Everyone in the world has certain qualities that define who they are as a person. Some are lazy, some are headstrong, some lack common sense, and some just really don't care about anything. Of all of the qualities one can obtain though, being a "thinker" or a "doer" plays a key role on how one lives their life. You would assume that mostly everyone wants to be a "doer", right? To know what's good for you and just do it rather than ponder on whether or not you should do what's good for yourself or someone else around you? I feel as if being a "doer" is much better than being a "thinker", and I don't mean that in a way that lacks the common sense to know what's a good idea, but I mean that in a way of doing something good for yourself without thinking of the effort that goes into it. Something along the lines of working out. A "doer" in that situation would know that working out is good for you, and do it without complaint or question. A "thinker" though, will sit and ponder how tiring it will be, or what could go wrong which will possibly talk them out of doing it. The same thing applies to your success in life. A "doer" will go into the situation knowing that they want for their future and knowing what's right for them and deal with all of the downsides. A "thinker" will go into it questioning what they want to do and drown in their own lack of motivation on the negative sides of any and all situations.
I, myself am unfortunately a thinker and to be honest, I hate it more than anything. It is my worst quality in almost all situations. When it comes to things like working out, I dread doing it up until the minute I begin, and then all while I am working out I think about how painful it is and how much I hate it. I know it would be easier to just do it, get it over with and deal with the pain but I make it all too difficult on myself by thinking about it. The same things goes for a topic like my future, I dread growing up and having to be responsible for so much in life. I think for hours about how much I know college work is going to stress me or how much sleep I'm going to lose. I know this is something I need to work on, because it hurts no one but myself. It causes stress, worry and burdens my improvement on a lot of things. If I could be a doer and just deal with anything and everything that comes my way like most doers do, I would be a whole lot happier with myself.
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